Regardless of how grown up we feel and present ourselves in many aspects of our lives, our child feelings and behavioral patterns deeply impact our daily lives, especially where emotions come into play. We may act as adults, but we feel like children. And yet we all come with an inner vision into this world, a very specific and unique potential that wants to unfold through us during the course of our lives. But through our internal life struggles, we often forget it and lose touch with it. Using the Life Integration Process, Wilfried Nelles introduces a constellation method to help us see and feel our life's inner vision and thereby guide us to our psychological maturity and adulthood.
Dasein – Eine Reise ins Herz des Lebens
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bookDas Leben hat keinen Rückwärtsgang : Die Evolution des Bewusstseins, spirituelles Wachstum und das Familienstellen
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bookUmarme dein Leben : Wie wir seelisch erwachsen werden - Der Lebens-Integrations-Prozess
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bookLiebe, die löst : Einsichten aus dem Familien-Stellen
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