This file includes: Manifesto of the Commnist Party, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Revolution and Counter-Revolution, Secret Diplomatic History of the Eighteenth Century. According to Wikipedia: "Karl Heinrich Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883) was a Prussian philosopher, economist, sociologist, historian, journalist, and revolutionary socialist. His ideas played a significant role in the development of social science and the socialist political movement. He published various books during his lifetime, with the most notable being The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Capital (1867–1894); some of his works were co-written with his friend and fellow German revolutionary socialist, Friedrich Engels."
Das kommunistische Manifest
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
audiobookbookThe Communist Manifesto :
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
audiobookMeisterwerke der Weltphilosophie : Das Gastmahl, Nikomachische Ethik, Also sprach Zarathustra, Utopia, Phänomenologie des Geistes, Neues Organon, Selbstbetrachtungen
Immanuel Kant, Søren Kierkegaard, Edmund Husserl, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Friedrich Nietzsche, Konfuzius, Platon, Xenophon, Aristoteles, Laotse, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Marcus Aurelius, Plotin, Thomas von Aquin, Niccolò Machiavelli, Thomas Morus, Giordano Bruno, Michel de Montaigne, René Descartes, Francis Bacon, Blaise Pascal, Baruch Spinoza, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, David Hume, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Friedrich Schelling, John Locke, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx
bookKlassiker des politischen Denkens: Die große Hörbuch Box : Ein Grundlagenwerk der Politik
Karl Marx, Sun Tzu, Immanuel Kant, Max Weber, Benjamin Franklin, Platon, Niccolò Machiavelli, Georg Büchner
audiobookDas Kapital: Band 1-3 (Mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen)
Karl Marx
bookDas Kapital : Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie
Karl Marx
audiobookEl capital: crítica de la economía política, tomo I, libro I : El proceso de producción del capital
Karl Marx
bookThe Communist Manifesto : Rediscover Revolutionary Ideas
Karl Marx, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
bookManifiesto del Partido Comunista :
Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx
audiobookWage Labour and Capital :
Karl Marx
audiobookValue, Price, and Profit :
Karl Marx
audiobookWage-Labour and Capital and Value, Price, and Profit :
Karl Marx