The study of neurobiological cognition has proved the importance of playing on human brain development. But what does this mean for the education of our children? How does playing affect the learning process and the attention of children? Is it possible to draw conclusions for their next developmental stage from the way children play? And how is playing related to reasoning and perception?André Frank Zimpel devotes himself to such central problems. He not only demonstrates the way children develop the ability to imagine things, he also provides instructions to effectively support this development. All imagined playing situations form heralds for developing mind capacities, which are necessary to survive in modern society.
Trisomy 21 : What we can learn from people with Down syndrome
André Frank Zimpel
bookTrisomie 21 – Was wir von Menschen mit Down-Syndrom lernen können : 2000 Personen und ihre neuropsychologischen Befunde
André Frank Zimpel
bookTrisomie 21 – Was wir von Menschen mit Down-Syndrom lernen können : 2000 Personen und ihre neuropsychologischen Befunde
André Frank Zimpel
bookEinander helfen : Der Weg zur inklusiven Lernkultur
André Frank Zimpel
bookEinander helfen : Der Weg zur inklusiven Lernkultur
André Frank Zimpel
bookDer zählende Mensch : Was Emotionen mit Mathematik zu tun haben
André Frank Zimpel
bookDer zählende Mensch : Was Emotionen mit Mathematik zu tun haben
André Frank Zimpel
bookMia, Max und Mathix : Auf dem Weg zum Zahlbegriff
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bookBildungsbereich Medien
Helen Knauf
bookDemokratie in Kinderschuhen : Partizipation & KiTas
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bookDemokratie in Kinderschuhen : Partizipation & KiTas
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bookBildungsbereich Medien
Helen Knauf