
Letting God Be Enough : Why Striving Keeps You Stuck & How Surrender Sets You Free


Everyone thinks you’ve got it together. But inside, you’re asking, “Am I enough?”

No matter how good we look to others, the nagging voice of self-doubt is hard to shake. We ask questions like:

If people really knew me would they still accept me? Will I be rejected when I can’t perform? Can I pull this off? What if I end up alone? Am I missing out on what life should be because I can’t shake this fear?

If you find yourself having thoughts like these, Erica Wiggenhorn wants to lead you to freedom. Drawing from the story of Moses—the greatest self-doubter in the Bible—Erica shows how self-doubt is tied closely to self-reliance. It’s only when you cast yourself on God that you find the true source of strength.

Are you enough? The answer is no . . . but your God certainly is. Step out in His power instead of your own and watch your confidence blossom because you’re in the hands of I AM.