Art thou a slave, as I was? Or an orphan, as I was? Or wanderest thou still, as I long wandered, in the wilderness of doubt and sin? Then for thee is written this story of one that was made free in Christ, and adopted to be the child of God, and in the end brought safe out of the deep darkness of Satan into the Light of the Eternal Truth.
10 MASTERPIECES OF COMEDY : A Treasury of Wit and Laughter
Jonathan Swift, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Edwin Abbott, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
bookSilanus the Christian
Edwin Abbott
bookHow to Write Clearly: Rules and Exercises on English Composition
Edwin Abbott
bookFlatland : A Romance of Many Dimensions
Edwin Abbott Abbott
Edwin Abbott
book10 MASTERPIECES OF COMEDY #1 (Cronos Classics)
Jonathan Swift, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Edwin Abbott, Mark Twain, Jerome Klapka Jerome, Cronos Classics