
Out of Bounds


The course of True Love never did run smooth.

Shakespeare said it four centuries ago, and it’s still true today.

Suzie and Danny are young and in love – but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t going to be bumps in the road. Together — and with a little help from their friends — the young couple discover that the best path through the bumps isn’t always the expected one. Sometimes, it’s the path with a few
 twists in it.

Contains the first four stories in K.D. West’s Over the Top series:

1) Over the Top — Danny and Suzie, Luz and Jamie – the four had been planning for over a year on heading up after graduation to the cabin by the lake. Two couples, doing what couples do. But that was before Danny and Suzie decided to be “mature” and break it off. And so now it’s one couple. And Danny. And Danny’s getting frustrated. (M/F/M, M/F, oral sex, group sex)

2) Under the Covers — Sometimes, it is better to receive than to give. Christmastime should be about being together, but Suzie and Danny have been apart for months. Danny’s gone for the holidays, and now Suzie is stuck with her family, driving up to the mountains when all she wants is her boyfriend. Her lover. Little does she know that Danny has planned a present for her that she will never forget! (Oral sex, analingus)

3) Out of the Bag — If you’re going to go into closed bags, be ready to face whatever comes out. As Danny is helping Suzie pack up to move in with him, he discovers something. Something
 unexpected. He’s shocked by what he finds; she’s angry that he’s pried. What will he be willing to do to make things better? What will she ask before she can trust him again? (Bondage, pegging)

4) On the Table — Sometimes you know exactly where the party's going. . . And sometimes you don't. When she threw a party for Danny’s birthday, Suzie thought she knew what she was doing. Her friend Alice shows her how wrong she was. (New adult erotic romance. MĂ©nage Ă  trois. Ice play. F/M/F)

Extract (from "Over the Top"):

Two sets of hands pull him up, lead him out of the tub, wrap him in a towel and dry him off. Two sets of arms pull him into a warm, trembling hug.


Through the towel, Danny [...] strains against Luz’s round, wide belly.

“Danny,” Jamie says, and Danny can hear the hesitancy in his friend’s voice. “Danny, how can we...?”

“We’re so sorry, Danny. We didn’t think of... Of how loud we were being. Right above you. That really wasn’t fair of us.”

“No, no, no, it’s not you,” Danny hisses. “It’s me. I’m just... twisted. I’m sick. I...”

“You miss her, don’t you, Danny,” says Jamie, and Danny feels what little blood isn’t pooled in his pelvis rushing to his face.

They know. They know how he’s aching for Suzie. How he’s regretting...

Rubbing himself bloody thinking about...

“Danny, we understand.” It is Luz’s voice this time and new shame floods Danny, knowing that Luz knows. That Luz, who thinks of him as a friend, as a good guy, knowing that she knows that he dreams of girls’ [...]. Of Luz [...] even when he dreams of Suzie. “We’re sorry, Danny.”

“Maybe...” Jamie mutters. “Maybe we can help you out a bit. Maybe Luz...”