Medicinal plants are a source of potential therapeutic compounds. Phytotherapycan give patients long term benefits with less or no side effects. This is the thirdvolume of the series which features monographs on selected natural productsused to treat diabetes and hypertension. This volume brings 7 chapterscontributed by 22 researchers, that cover updates on the biochemistry ofdiabetes, information on anti-diabetic and antihypertensive properties of oil bearingplants, herbs, fruits and vegetables, medicinal plants from Asia, as well as the medicinal valueof specific plants such as, star apple (Chrysophyllum cainito).In terms of therapeutic agents, two reviews in this volume focus on terpenoidsand glucagon-like peptide – 1 are also included.Each review covers different plant species or medicinal agents whereapplicable, providing readers essential information about their role in thetreatment of diabetes and hypertension.Both academic and professional pharmacologists as well as clinicianswill find comprehensive information on a variety of therapeutic agents in thisvolume.
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