
Plant-Protein Recipes That You'll Love: Enjoy the goodness and deliciousness of 150+ healthy plant-protein recipes!


Discover affordable, all-natural plant-based protein recipes that taste good and improve your health in this unique and easy cookbook.

Plant-based proteins are a healthier, more nutritious, and more environmentally friendly alternative to animal protein. But you don’t have to be a vegan or dedicated vegetarian to enjoy the benefits of a plant-based diet. Whether you’re going meatless full time, part time, or only occasionally, you’ll easily find a recipe to power your day.

From hearty breakfasts to satisfying dinners, this cookbook features 150 delicious, budget-friendly, and low-key recipes to fill up and fend off the urge to snack. Each recipe includes ingredients that are easy to find in your local grocery store and detailed nutritional information to help you meet your daily dietary needs. You’ll even find recipes to make your own plant-based protein powders that are free from additives and preservatives. Plant-Protein Recipes That You’ll Love gives you 150 new ways to make your meatless Monday the healthiest, most filling, and most satisfying day of the week!



  • E-Book


  • • 235 seiten



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