On 19th October 1512, Martin Luther received his doctorate of theology under the chairmanship of Andreas Bodenstein of Karlstadt. Throughout his life, Luther remained tied to the Universityof Wittemberg. The Reformation movement was initially driven by and through his concern with academic issues, which also from the outset pertained to the relationship between theology and the other sciences.The contributors to this volume describe the relationship between faith and reason – or ratio and pietas – which was assessed in different ways in the Reformation, described by some as oppositional and by others as harmonious. Moreover, reformers referred back to medieval philosophical and theological points of view to relate reason with belief. The way in which this was done was definitive, for example for the establishment of universities, relations between science and the Church and in matters concerning the Bible and preaching. The lectures printed in this volume address the question of the relationship between the Reformation and reason before a European, interdenominational horizon.
Melanchthon und die Reformierte Tradition
bookPhilip Melanchthon : Theologian in Classroom, Confession, and Controversy
Irene Dingel, Timothy J. Wengert, Robert Kolb, Nicole Kuropka
bookThe Myth of the Reformation
bookCalvin and Luther: The Continuing Relationship
bookAugustine of Hippo and Martin Luther on Original Sin and Justification of the Sinner
Jairzinho Lopes Pereira
bookIn-visibility : Reflections upon Visibility and Transcendence in Theology, Philosophy and the Arts
bookKonsolidierung des reformierten Bekenntnisses im Reich der Stephanskrone : Ein Beitrag zur Kommunikationsgeschichte zwischen Ungarn und der Schweiz in der frühen Neuzeit (1500-1700)
Jan-Andrea Bernhard
bookLaw and Religion : The Legal Teachings of the Protestant and Catholic Reformations
bookDie Präsenz Christi im Amt : Am Beispiel ausgewählter Predigten Martin Luthers, 1535–1546
Jonathan Mumme
bookPreparing for Death, Remembering the Dead
bookReformed Majorities in Early Modern Europe