
Retirement Planning


RETIREMENT PLANNING For most people, retirement is perhaps one of the most critical phases of their lives. Because of its importance, it needs to be carefully planned for, to make it possible for the retiree to enjoy his golden years in peace and comfort. For this to be achieved, a percentage of one's income is set aside or saved to gain financial freedom in retirement thus making the need for gainful employment optional rather than necessary. But it's not as easy as it sounds. For many people, whether employed or in self-employment, the goal of having a comfortable retirement, is an incredibly elaborate and extensive process that needs careful and focused planning and years of patience and persistence.

Interestingly, the process of planning and managing retirement finances does not end when one retires. It’s an ongoing responsibility that is carried on well into the retiree's sunset years. Many people attempt to make their retirement plans, but only a small percentage manage to come up with a plan that can sustain them through retirement. The more significant majority, try it with devastating consequences, ultimately making them lead difficult, miserable lives full of financial challenges. Whereas it's good to be actively involved in the planning of all matters that affect your financial future, it's wiser to engage the services of an ethical and professional financial adviser to take care of your retirement planning. This is true irrespective of one's social, economic or educational background.

What you will learn in this book:

Retirement Planning

Begin Your Financial Retirement Planning Now!

Start Saving For Retirement From the Early Years

Retirement Investment: Save Your Money Well

Retirement Advice From Active Retirees

Pension Plans Help Secure Your Future in Advance

Best Retirement Savings Plans to Consider

While putting together a retirement plan is something everyone should do it can be challenging to set aside funds for the future. Numerous individuals lost much of their life savings due to economic hardships. Many people who had plans in place have to start over from scratch to rebuild their nest egg.