Ashe was reading listlessly down the column when, from the mass of advertisements, one of an unusual sort detached itself. WANTED: Young Man of good appearance, who is poor and reckless, to undertake a delicate and dangerous enterprise. Good pay for the right man. Apply between the hours of ten and twelve at offices of Mainprice, Mainprice & Boole, 3 Denvers Street, Strand. Ashe, an adventurer at heart, was also uncommonly lazy. As it was, however, he could make an immediate start. It was with fine fervor animating him that he entered the gloomy offices of Mainprice, Mainprice & Boole. His brain was afire and he felt ready for anything.
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P. G. Wodehouse
bookPsmith, Journalist
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bookJill the Reckless
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bookPsmith in the City
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bookMike and Psmith
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