Teeny Tiny Gardening is horticulture on the smallest of scales. No matter how tiny your space - indoor or outdoor, garden, yard, balcony or even just a windowsill or tabletop - here you will find original, fun and inspiring ideas. The 35 projects range from an elegant fern terrarium and a scented spring bulb basket to colourful woven bags and hessian sacks filled with cheerful summer blooms. There are edible gardens, including fruit bushes planted in catering-sized kitchen pans and a vertical garden of herbs grown on a wooden stepladder. You will find lots of ideas for using recycled and salvaged containers, such as a metal bathtub filled with vegetable plants, metal food tins used for an indoor garden of wildflowers and a stack of wooden drawers filled with trailing plants. And at the teeniest end of the scale, there are even miniature tabletop gardens created in eggshells and bottle tops! Children can learn basic gardening skills, too, by following the step-by-step photos to make their own magical fairy garden or a mysterious dinosaur den. Whether you are looking for ideas for all-year foliage or for a summer display of flowers, wanting to grow your own veggies and herbs, or needing to revamp your balcony, Teeny Tiny Gardening will provide you with all the inspiration and practical knowledge you need.
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