Thirty-day challenges are the perfect way to develop new habits and get started living a better, fuller life. Packed with sixty powerful ideas for improving your life in all areas-including fitness, food, mindfulness, relationships, and networking-this book shows how to create lasting habits by first succeeding at a thirty-day challenge. Author Rosanna Casper shares dozens of practical tips, helpful resources, and her own secret tricks that will keep you motivated and committed through day thirty and beyond. If you're ready to make some positive changes in your life, just pick a challenge and get started! • WALK 10,000 STEPS • 30 DAYS WITHOUT (ADDED) SUGAR • COOK ONE NEW RECIPE PER DAY • GET BETTER SLEEP • GET RID OF CLUTTER • TAKE A PHOTO EVERY DAY • SPEND 30 MINUTES OUTDOORS • READ 20 PAGES A DAY • AND MORE!
The Big Book of 30-Day Challenges