In this inspiring book, Buettner offers game-changing tools for setting up your life to be the happiest it can be. In these illuminating pages, you'll:
●Meet the world's Happiness All-Stars—inspiring individuals whose ways of boosting well-being can influence your home and community as well.
●Discover the three strands of happiness—pleasure, purpose, and pride—that weave together in different ways in the world's happiest places.
●Use the Blue Zones Happiness Test to pinpoint areas in your life where change could bring more happiness—and then find practical steps to make those changes.
●Learn what researchers on happiness consider the top ways to create personal and nationwide happiness, as revealed by a blue-ribbon panel of world experts convened for this book.
●Boost your own happiness with the Happiness Power 9—Buettner's final assessment of the most important lessons to be learned from the world's happiest people and places.