Amid the rubble of post-war Tokyo, inside the grand Tsubaki house, a once-noble family is in mourning. The old viscount Tsubaki, a brooding, troubled composer, has been found dead. When the family gather for a divination to conjure the spirit of their departed patriarch, death visits the house once more, and the brilliant Kosuke Kindaichi is called in to investigate. But before he can get to the truth Kindaichi must uncover all the Tsubakis' most disturbing secrets, while the gruesome murders continue... The Devil's Flute Murders is an ingenious and highly atmospheric classic whodunit from Japan's master of crime.
The Little Sparrow Murders
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bookThe Devil's Flute Murders
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bookDeath on Gokumon Island
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bookThe Inugami Curse : A classic Japanese murder mystery from the author of The Honjin Murders
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bookThe Honjin Murders : The classic locked room mystery
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