Richard Dawkins, whom Discover magazine recently called "Darwin's Rottweiler" for his fierce and effective defense of evolution, now turns his considerable intellect on religion, denouncing its faulty logic and the suffering it causes. He eviscerates the major arguments for religion and demonstrates the supreme improbability of a supreme being. He shows how religion fuels war, foments bigotry, and abuses children, buttressing his points with historical and contemporary evidence. In so doing, he makes a compelling case that belief in God is not just irrational, but potentially deadly.
Flights of Fancy : Defying Gravity by Design and Evolution
Richard Dawkins
audiobookDer Zauber der Wirklichkeit
Richard Dawkins
audiobookScho?pfungslu?ge, Die: Warum Darwin recht hat
Richard Dawkins
audiobookRiver Out of Eden : A Darwinian View of Life
Richard Dawkins
audiobookBrief Candle in the Dark : My Life in Science
Richard Dawkins
audiobookDer Gotteswahn
Richard Dawkins
audiobookBöcker som bildar livet: Konsten att läsa och skriva vetenskapligt
Richard Dawkins
bookOm Den själviska genen
Richard Dawkins
bookIllusionen om Gud
Richard Dawkins
bookHejdå Gud! : En nybörjarguide till ateism
Richard Dawkins
bookDen själviska genen
Richard Dawkins
Energy and Civilization : A History
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