
The Good News Is...: The Future Is Brighter Than You Think


Contrary to popular belief, the future is optimistic; can you even imagine what would happen if you welcomed life's positivity with open arms?

Much more than being just a philosophy, optimism has a scientific background. Even more, it's a state of mind that has the power to change one's world - if not the whole world. The dictionary defines optimism as 'hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something'.

Somewhere along the way, we forgot how to be hopeful and confident that the future is bright. We became overwhelmed with negative mainstream media that's spreading like wildfire. We lost touch with the Divine Intelligence and lost ourselves in other's prognosis of the future.

What if YOU trusted YOUR own gut?

What if YOU reconnected with the Divine Intelligence?

What if YOU realized that the future is bright?

Yes, it's up to YOU...

... Up to all the love that you carry around in your heart... ... And, your willingness to share it with the world.

Coach Michael Taylor will show you how shifting your perception from negativity to positivity can influence your life. In his book 'The Good News Is, The Future Is Brighter Than You Think', he'll introduce you to ten reasons why the future is brighter than you think!

Within the pages of this book, you'll discover wisdom based on science, psychology and, spirituality that will inspire you to embrace optimism and realize your destiny is in your own hands.

Don't forget optimism comes before pessimism in the dictionary! Although we're overwhelmed with negative information about the world, this book will explain why RIGHT NOW is the BEST TIME to be alive on this planet. What's more, the author will show you how to take action on the lessons learned!

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