The story takes place in Providence, Rhode Island, and revolves around the Church of Starry Wisdom, a mysterious cult using an artifact called Shining Trapezohedron. Some years after the disappearance of the group, Blake, a dabbler in the occult and author of supernaturally-themed works, becomes fascinated with a certain church in Provindence and its history.
Die Katzen von Ulthar
H. P. Lovecraft, Sebastian Jackel
H. P. Lovecraft
audiobookThe Alchemist
H. P. Lovecraft
audiobookbookBeyond the Wall of Sleep
H. P. Lovecraft
audiobookbookThe Tree
H. P. Lovecraft
audiobookbookWhat the Moon Brings
H. P. Lovecraft
audiobookbookThe White Ship
H. P. Lovecraft
audiobookbookThe Moon-Bog
H. P. Lovecraft
audiobookbookThe Shadow out of Time
H. P. Lovecraft
H. P. Lovecraft
audiobookbookThe Hound
H. P. Lovecraft
audiobookbookThe Lurking Fear
H. P. Lovecraft