Graham Greene's first published novel tells the story of Andrews, a young man who has betrayed his fellow smugglers and fears their vengeance. Fleeing from them, with no hope of pity or salvation, he takes refuge in the house of a young woman, also alone in the world. Elizabeth persuades him to give evidence against his accomplices in court, but neither she nor Andrews is aware that to both criminals and authority, treachery is as great a crime as smuggling.
Our Man in Havana
Graham Greene
audiobookEl final del affaire
Graham Greene
audiobookThe Man Within
Graham Greene
audiobookIt's a Battlefield
Graham Greene
audiobookThe Ministry of Fear
Graham Greene
audiobookMakten och härligheten
Graham Greene
bookAltings hjerte
Graham Greene
bookSlutet på historien
Graham Greene
bookDen stillsamme amerikanen
Graham Greene
bookVår man i Havanna
Graham Greene