
The Places We Sleep


It’s early September 2001, and twelve-year-old Abbey is the new kid at school.


I worry about people speaking to me

and worry just the same

when they don’t.

Tennessee is her family’s latest stop in a series of moves based on her dad’s work in the Army, but this one might be different. For the first time, Abbey has found a real friend: loyal, courageous, athletic Camille.

And then it’s September 11. The country is under attack, and Abbey’s “home” looks like it might fall apart. America has changed overnight.

How are we supposed

to keep this up

with the world


around us?

Abbey’s body changes, too, while her classmates argue and her family falters. Like everyone around her, she tries to make sense of her own experience as a part of the country’s collective pain. With her mother grieving, and her father preparing for active duty, Abbey must cope with the tragedy on her own.

Sprecher*in: Merissa Czyz
