The prodigal son. The good Samaritan. A treasure hidden in a field. Most of us have heard these parables before. Yet if these oft-repeated stories strike us as merely sweet, heartwarming, or sentimental, we can be sure we've misread them. Jesus's parables are simultaneously working to conceal and reveal profound spiritual truths about God, humanity, the world, and the future—and we must learn to plumb their depths. A careful reading of the biblical text reveals the surprising ways in which such seemingly simple stories rebuke, subvert, and sabotage our sinful habits, perspectives, and priorities. Discarding the notion that Jesus's parables are nothing more than moralistic fables, Jared Wilson shows how each one is designed to drive us to Jesus in awe, need, faith, and worship.
The Story of Everything : How You, Your Pets, and the Swiss Alps Fit into God's Plan for the World
Jared C. Wilson
bookThe Prodigal Church : A Gentle Manifesto against the Status Quo
Jared C. Wilson
bookThe Wonder-Working God : Seeing the Glory of Jesus in His Miracles
Jared C. Wilson
bookThe Pastor's Justification : Applying the Work of Christ in Your Life and Ministry
Jared C. Wilson
bookRomans : A 12-Week Study
Jared C. Wilson
bookGospel Deeps : Reveling in the Excellencies of Jesus
Jared C. Wilson
bookGospel Wakefulness (Foreword by Ray Ortlund)
Jared C. Wilson