I am a Veiled Man. Openly, I confess myself a vagabond and a brigand. Living here, in the heart of the Great Desert, six moons march from Algiers, and a thousand miles beyond the French outposts, theft is, with my nomadic tribe, their natural industry–a branch of education, in fact. We augment the meagreness of our herds by extorting ransoms from some of our neighbours, and completely despoiling others. Mention of the name of Ahamadou causes the face of the traveller on any of the caravan routes between the Atlas mountains and Lake Tsâd to pale beneath its bronze, for as sheikh of the most powerful piratical tribe in the Sahara, I have earned an unenviable notoriety as leader of „The Breath of the Wind,” while the Arabs themselves have bestowed upon my people three epithets which epitomise their psychology: „Thieves, Hyenas, and Abandoned of Allah.”
Black Cat Weekly #136
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bookBlack Cat Weekly #128
Janice Law, William Burton McCormick, Steve Janko, Henry T. Parry, Hal Charles, William Le Queux, Manly Wade Wellman, Charles L. Fontenay, Hannes Bok, William W. Stuart
bookWILLIAM LE QUEUX Ultimate Collection: 100+ Spy Thrillers, Detective Mysteries, Adventure Classics, Historical Novels, War Stories & Crime Tales (Illustrated)
William Le Queux
bookAN EYE FOR AN EYE (British Murder Mystery) : Whodunit Classic
William Le Queux
bookWAR TALES Boxed Set: Spy Thrillers, Action Classics & WWI Adventure Tales : Intrigue, Heroism, and Espionage: A Collection of War Tales
William Le Queux
bookThe Secret Agent: Ultimate Spy Collection (77 Books in One Volume)
James Fenimore Cooper, John Buchan, William Le Queux, Talbot Mundy, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Erskine Childers, George Barton, Robert W. Chambers, Fred M. White, Robert Baden-Powell, John R. Coryell, E. Philips Oppenheim
bookMurder Mystery - Boxed Set: 800+ Whodunit Mysteries, True Crime Stories & Action Thrillers : Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Thorndyke Cases, Bulldog Drummond, Detective Standish…
Edgar Allan Poe, Anna Katharine Green, William Le Queux, Louis Tracy, Jackson Gregory, Carolyn Wells, Louis Joseph Vance, Arthur Cheney Train, Arthur Conan Doyle, Ernest Bramah, Arthur Morrison, Cleveland Moffett, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Ambrose Bierce, Wilkie Collins, Thomas W. Hanshew, Allan Pinkerton, James Hay, Edgar Wallace, Frank Froest, Melville Davisson Post, Frederic Arnold Kummer, Richard Marsh, E. M. Delafield, Arthur J. Rees, E. Phillips Oppenheim, J. S. Fletcher, C. N. Williamson, A. M. Williamson, R. Austin Freeman, A. E. W. W Mason, E. W. Hornung, G. K. Chesterton, Frank L. Packard, Arthur B. Reeve, H. C. McNeile, Fred M. White, Anton Chekhov, Émile Gaboriau, Victor L. Whitechurch, Annie Haynes, Ethel Lina White, John R. Coryell, Rober Barr, Isabel Ostander, Anna Maynard Barbour, S. S. Van Dine
bookWilliam Le Queux: 100+ Mystery & Espionage Thrillers (Illustrated Edition) : The Price of Power, The Seven Secrets, Devil's Dice, An Eye for an Eye, The House of Whispers…
William Le Queux
bookThe Secret Agent: Ultimate Spy Collection (77 Books in One Volume)
James Fenimore Cooper, John Buchan, William Le Queux, Talbot Mundy, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Erskine Childers, George Barton, Robert W. Chambers, Fred M. White, Robert Baden-Powell, John R. Coryell, E. Philips Oppenheim
bookMurder Mystery - Boxed Set: 800+ Whodunit Mysteries, True Crime Stories & Action Thrillers : Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Thorndyke Cases, Bulldog Drummond, Detective Standish…
Edgar Allan Poe, Anna Katharine Green, William Le Queux, Louis Tracy, Jackson Gregory, Carolyn Wells, Louis Joseph Vance, Arthur Cheney Train, Arthur Conan Doyle, Ernest Bramah, Arthur Morrison, Cleveland Moffett, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Ambrose Bierce, Wilkie Collins, Thomas W. Hanshew, Allan Pinkerton, James Hay, Edgar Wallace, Frank Froest, Melville Davisson Post, Frederic Arnold Kummer, Richard Marsh, E. M. Delafield, Arthur J. Rees, E. Phillips Oppenheim, J. S. Fletcher, C. N. Williamson, A. M. Williamson, R. Austin Freeman, A. E. W. Mason, E. W. Hornung, G. K. Chesterton, Frank L. Packard, Arthur B. Reeve, H. C. McNeile, Fred M. White, Anton Chekhov, Émile Gaboriau, Victor L. Whitechurch, Annie Haynes, Ethel Lina White, John R. Coryell, Rober Barr, Isabel Ostander, Anna Maynard Barbour, S. S. Van Dine
William Le Queux
bookWilliam Le Queux: 100+ Mystery & Espionage Thrillers (Illustrated Edition) : The Price of Power, The Seven Secrets, Devil's Dice, An Eye for an Eye, The House of Whispers…
William Le Queux