
Think and Grow Rich

Hörbuch und E-Book

This is a great synopsis of the Think & Grow Rich philosophy, by Napoleon Hill himself!

Make no mistake about it, listening to and following the principles of Think & Grow Rich will help individuals in all walks of life achieve their goals. For instance, former heavyweight champion and International Boxing Hall of Fame Ken Norton credited his winning ways to Think & Grow Rich. Norton's victory over "The Greatest", Muhammad Ali, in 1973 is a great illustration of how individuals can beat the odds, achieve their goals, and reach their fullest potential using the principles contained in the motivational book Think & Grow Rich, a book that Norton discusses as a foundation for inspiration on the road to becoming a world champion. Norton also attributes what he learned from Think & Grow Rich for helping him to handle severe adversity from a near-fatal car accident in 1986.

Individuals will accomplish their particular goal(s) in proportion to the effort they put into following the Think and Grow Rich philosophy. Listening to and following the principles in this book will change your life. Think & Grow Rich is one of the greatest self-help books ever.




  • Hörbuch
  • E-Book


  • • 239 seiten



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