
Typologie des Frauenbildes in der Werbung


This article aims to bring the issues related to the world of advertising, particularly advertising aimed at women. This paper also outlines a picture of a woman and a man, not only in advertising, but also in society. In the era of economic development advertising appears to be irreplaceable, and operation of many industries without the help of advertising would be impossible. The need to communicate is international, and the intermediary in the exchange of information is just advertising. Although advertising history dates back to the Middle Ages , this phenomenon is constantly changing and constantly provides new ideas. Advertising has a great impact on beliefs, attitudes and needs of the audience. With ready-made patterns to follow advertising imprint in the mind of a consumer artificially produced need that must be satisfied. The image of woman in advertising must conform to the tastes of millions of customers, and then buyers of the advertised goods. Many manufacturers believe that women are the most important customers and address to them advertising campaigns prepared with a great effort and resources.