
Unbox Your Relationships : How to attract the right people and build relationships that last


We are all connected with more people than ever before. Without guidance, it can be easy to get burdened by a bad relationship. In the follow-up to his international bestseller, German speaker and consultant Tobias Beck returns to help improve your relationships with the two-step process that has already guided an online audience of millions.

A humorous how-to. Self-improvement is the first step toward successful relationships, advises Beck. By developing a relationship with yourself, you will learn how to forgive the past and set the standard for compassion, understanding, respect, and trust. It is through this journey of self-discovery that you will understand how to attract love, friendships, and intensify the right relationships in your life—empathically, touchingly, and with plenty of humor along the way.

Amusing stories, personality types, and relationship advice. Tackling everything from couple communication to friendship feuds, Beck's model of the four human-animal types is the second step to fostering deeper connections. Designed to help you find out how the people around you are feeling, you will recognize your partner, family, friends, colleagues, and yourself in the many entertaining stories.

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