
Uncle John's Facts to Go Mouthing Off


“There’s never been a better quote book for only three bucks.” —Uncle John

In the 26-year history of the Bathroom Readers’ Institute, we have collected tens of thousands of the world’s most memorable quotations. In this e-book, you’ll find the very best of them (along with some newly-discovered utterances). From the profound to the sublime, from the witty to the stupid, after reading Mouthing Off, you’ll never be at a loss for words again! Some highlights:

‱ Surprisingly wise celebrities, cocky rock stars, and dumb jocks

‱ When commentators misspeak, and other foot-in-mouth moments

‱ What Mark Twain didn’t say

‱ Hollywood’s all-time weirdest acceptance speeches

‱ Talk show guests deemed too mouthy for TV

‱ Wacky 911 calls and court transcripts

‱ Ancient quotes that still resonate today

‱ Modern pearls of wisdom, including actor (and racing enthusiast) Paul Newman’s observation: “It is useless to put on your brakes when you’re upside down.”

And much, much more!