Ladies, if you "feel the heat go up your neck, and your armpits drip with sweat, you're hands have gotten clammy and your clothes are soaking wet," unless you're running through the Mohave desert, you're in menopause. If you've looked into the mirror and wondered "What the hell happened to me?" You're probably beyond menopause. Either way, this audiobook is for you. Two dozen hilarious rhymes covering everything from wrinkles to spider veins, falling body parts to skin tags, flatulence to muffin tops, and on and on. You know what's been happening to you, now it's time to find out what's coming just around the corner. Written with an irreverent, dry sense of humor it's the perfect antidote for dealing with the trials and tribulations of getting older. So spend those sweaty, sleepless nights with these 24 funny ladies and know you're not alone. If you can only remember to buy it, you're bound to have some great, big, bloated belly laughs!
What the Hell Happened to Me? : The Truth About Menopause and Beyond
Sprecher*in: Joette Waters
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