In When The Sleepers Woke, Arthur Leo Zagat delivers a gripping tale of a dystopian future where the world has changed beyond recognition. A group of humans awakens from centuries-long suspended animation, only to find themselves in a society ruled by ruthless, emotionless overlords. As they struggle to understand this new world, they must confront not only the horrors of the present but also the legacy of the past that led to such a grim reality. With time running out, the awakened sleepers must rally together to challenge the oppressive regime and reclaim the freedom they lost. Filled with suspense, action, and thought-provoking themes, this story is perfect for readers who enjoy dystopian adventures and tales of resistance against tyranny.
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bookDeath with a Dog's Face : Doc. Turner Series
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bookDeath's Cold Arms : Terror Tales
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bookThe Death-Cloud : Wonder Stories
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bookGhouls Ride the Highways : Wonder Stories
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bookMistress of Horror : Wonder Stories
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bookSummer Camp for Corpses : Wonder Stories
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bookDrink We Deep : Wonder Stories
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bookThe Menace from Andromeda : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookVenus Mines, Incorporated : Wonder Stories
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bookMistress of the Beast : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookA Lodging in Hell : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookWhen The Sleepers Woke : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Tower of Evil : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat