Walking the Trail with Jesus

Bücherreihen • 3 Bücher

Walking the Trail with Jesus is an eye-appealing and heart-impacting, three-part book series about journeying through the Holy Land of Israel – Yet this time, not on your own, but with Jesus, through His Word, as your fellow-sojourner in the adventure.

Exploring through beautiful photographs and personal stories by the author, you will experience events that occurred in the Desert of Ein Gedi, on the Jordan River, in Nazareth and Capernaum, then along the Mediterranean coastal cities of Caesarea and Jaffa, then returning to Jerusalem, as the completion of Jesus’ life here on earth.

This is the Biblical tour you’ve been wanting to take into Israel, but because of worldwide or personal limitations have held you back. Only on this tour you can linger for a while at the sites and consider the event that occurred at that location. You can complete the recommended meditations at the end of each story as well as studying additional Bible references and Internet sites making this journey life-changing and personally relevant.

What can one say when it comes to the land of Israel? The biblical connection, the natural history, archaeology, the prophetic connections between the land, the prophets and the people; the wars, the kings and kingdoms and their rise and fall, the diversity of the land itself – the beauty in winter and spring, the dry barren places in the summer and the early autumn. And most of all, Jesus!

From the first breath into man by God until today, there is a continuous yearning inside the soul to find the answers to life. This yearning is an evidence that we are created by and for something greater than ourselves, and no person in this world can satisfy this deep longing. So, until we find the One by which we are created, we will never be fulfilled. There will always be a longing. We were created for longing, because we were created for love and that love can only be fulfilled in God, since God is love.

Story after story and photograph after photograph this series points to the existence of Jesus, His disciples, their journey with Him, and ultimately what He would do to redeem mankind, which was spoken of through the prophetic words in Isaiah 53.

Hope is abundant through these stories. Faith is increased because of miracles that Jesus performed to raise the dead and heal the sick and broken-hearted. This book series offers you a journey of seeking and of restoration. Seeking to find answers and hopefully a deeper more intimate relationship with God, as it was intended to be.

Come, let’s see what Jesus will do in your life on these Trails.

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