Were you looking for a roch, nyer? An oily voice spoke up just by the elbow of George Hanlon. "I have some excellent ones here, sir." "Yes, nyer, I want several, if I can find ones to suit me," the young man replied. Nor could anyone, glancing at him, know he was not a native of this planet, Szstruyyah, which the Inter-Stellar Corpsmen, in self-defense, called "Estrella." For the cosmetic-specialist who handled the secret servicemen's disguises had done a marvelous job in transforming the blond young Corpsman into an Estrellan native.
Man of Many Minds
E. Everett Evans
bookThe Planet Mappers
E. Everett Evans
bookMan of Many Minds
E. Everett Evans
bookAlien Minds
E. Everett Evans
bookMan of Many Minds
E. Everett Evans
bookMasters of Space
E. E. Smith, E. Everett Evans
bookAlien Minds
E. Everett Evans
bookThe Planet Mappers
E. Everett Evans
bookAlien Minds
E. Everett Evans
bookMan of Many Minds
E. Everett Evans