In the charming rural setting of Woolville, a fish-out-of-water tale unfolds as Tina Shears, a former Wall Street dynamo, inherits her aunt's alpaca farm. Utterly clueless about country living and animal care, Tina's world is turned upside down as she trades her power suits for muddy boots.
But there's trouble brewing in this pastoral paradise. A nefarious big agriculture corporation threatens to transform Woolville into an industrial wasteland. Armed with nothing but her city smarts, a motley crew of eccentric locals, and a herd of surprisingly savvy alpacas, Tina must race against time to save her new home.
"Alpacalypse Now" serves up a delightful cocktail of wit and warmth, blending sharp observations with absurdist humor. Readers will find themselves chuckling at alpaca-themed puns and Tina's comical attempts to apply corporate strategies to farm life. As our heroine learns to embrace the simple things, this clever narrative invites reflection on the value of community and life's unexpected detours.