This volume sheds new light on religious movement in the city of Athens and the broader region of Attica from the Late Bronze Age to the second century AD. Athens and Aticca are particularly fruitful places in the study of this phenomenon, as the region provides rich evidence across a range of textual and material sources for a variety of different types of religious movement - both inside the city of Athens itself (to, on, and around the Acropolis) and from its centre to sanctuaries in the hinterland (for example, those of Demeter and Kore at Eleusis and that of Artemis at Brauron), as well as to more distant sanctuaries, such as Delphi.
De dræbte krigere i Alken Enge : Efterkrigsritualer i ældre jernalder
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bookBygning og bolig, gård og toft : Middelalderens rurale Danmark 1
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bookTværfaglighed og fagligt samspil
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bookThe Hammerum Burial Site : Customs and Clothing in the Roman Iron Age
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bookRehabiliteringspsykologi : En introduktin i teori og praksis
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book50 begivenheder : Højdepunkter i verdenshistorien
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bookMisbrugsbehandling : Organisering, indsatser og behov
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bookAt tænke eksistensen : Studier i eksistenstænkningens historie og betydning
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bookBrugerperspektiver : Fra stofmisbrug til social politik?
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bookGefjon 5
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