Questions are everywhere and the ubiquitous activities of asking and answering, as most human activities, are susceptible to failure - at least from time to time. This volume offers several current approaches to the systematic study of questions and the surrounding activities and works toward supporting and improving these activities. The contributors formulate general problems for a formal treatment of questions, investigate specific kinds of questions, compare different frameworks with regard to how they regulate the activities of asking and answering of questions, and situate these activities in a wider framework of cognitive/epistemic discourse. From the perspectives of logic, linguistics, epistemology, and philosophy of language emerges a report on the state of the art of the theory of questions.
Den store karakterbog : 151 portrætter af fiktive personer
n a
bookLitteraturen og det hellige : Urtekst - Intertekst - Kontekst
n a
bookDe uforsvarlige : politiske massemordere
Mikkel Thorup
bookViden om vand : en lærebog om vand alle vegne...
n a
bookLivsvæsen : Om forholdet mellem dyret, mennesket og det guddommelige
Lars Albinus
bookLykkens befordring
Niels Nørlund
bookDet sidste menneske. Da danskerne opgav demokratiet
Kresten Schultz Jørgensen
bookLitterær metodelære
John Chr. Jørgensen
bookDa krigen kom
Niels Nørlund
bookDet står mellem linjerne : Forudsættelser og underforståelser i sproget
Ole Togeby
bookEn meget kort introduktion til kapitalisme
James Fulcher
bookThe Central Eskimo : With Maps and Illustrations of Tools, Weapons & People
Franz Boas