In the third installment of Glynn Stewart's Castle Federation series, Kyle Roberts must take a hastily assembled battle group back to the worlds the Alliance failed to defend. There he will live or die by the skills of his soldiers and the honor of his enemies.
The Artifact Enigma
Judith Berens, Martha Carr, Michael Anderle
audiobookObsidian Detective
Michael Anderle
audiobookChildren of the Aris
T.R. Harris
audiobookThe Heirs of Earth
Daniel Arenson
audiobookUniversal Law
T.R. Harris
audiobookWitch Of The Federation IV
Michael Anderle
audiobookWitch of the Federation VI
Michael Anderle
audiobookFloating Worlds
Cecelia Holland
audiobookThe Nevaris Chronicles
Josh Hayes
audiobookPurgatory : A Military Sci-Fi Series
Jaime Castle
audiobookGeneration Ship : A Novel
Michael Mammay
T.R. Harris