
Bradford DeLong


Who is Bradford DeLong

James Bradford "Brad" DeLong is a well-known economic historian from the United States. Since 1993, he has been assigned the position of professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley.

How you will benefit

(I) Insights about the following:

Chapter 1: J. Bradford DeLong

Chapter 2: Lawrence Summers

Chapter 3: Causes of the Great Depression

Chapter 4: Ira Magaziner

Chapter 5: Gene Sperling

Chapter 6: Andrei Shleifer

Chapter 7: Benjamin M. Friedman

Chapter 8: Quarterly Journal of Economics

Chapter 9: Robert W. Vishny

Chapter 10: Michael Boskin

Chapter 11: Ricardo Hausmann

Chapter 12: Barry Eichengreen

Chapter 13: Alan Krueger

Chapter 14: Stern Review

Chapter 15: Kevin Hassett

Chapter 16: JosĂŠ De Gregorio

Chapter 17: Center for Economic Studies

Chapter 18: Aaron Edlin

Chapter 19: Treasury view

Chapter 20: Douglas Elmendorf

Chapter 21: Harvard Institute for International Development

Who this book is for

Professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who want to go beyond basic knowledge or information about Bradford DeLong.