1. Juicing for Beginners : Exclusive Guide to Create Green and Tasty Smoothies for Weight Loss, Fat Burning, Detoxing, Anti-Inflammation, and Cleanse Your Body Now With the Power of Fruits & Vegetables!

    Bobby Murray

  2. Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fasting for Beginners : Discover the Proven Keto and Fasting Secrets that Many Men & Women use for Weight Loss! Autophagy, Low Carbohydrate & Vegan Techniques Included!

    Bobby Murray

  3. Mediterranean Diet for Beginners : The Ultimate Healthy Eating Solution and Weight Loss Program for Chronic Inflammation, Diabetes Prevention, Improve Longevity, & Lower Blood Pressure; Recipes Included!

    Bobby Murray

  4. Gluten-Free Diet for Beginners : The Ultimate Dieting Guide for Astonishing Health Benefits and Improve Weight Loss for Men & Women by Switching to a Gluten Free Lifestyle Now, Delicious Recipes Included!

    Bobby Murray

  5. Plant Based Diet for Beginners : The Ultimate Dieting Guide for Proven Health Benefits and Improve Weight Loss for Men & Women by Switching to a Plant Based & Vegan Lifestyle, Delicious Recipes Included!

    Bobby Murray

  6. Anti Inflammatory and Plant Based Diet for Beginners : The Ultimate Guide for a Healthy Life to Decrease Inflammation Levels and Proven Weight Loss Secrets for Men & Women; Delicious Recipes Included!

    Bobby Murray

  7. Ketogenic Diet for Beginners : Discover the Proven Keto Secrets that Many Men and Women use for Weight Loss & Living a Healthy Life! Intermittent Fasting, Low Carbohydrate, & Vegan Techniques Included!

    Bobby Murray

  8. Alkaline Diet and Juicing for Beginners : Exclusive Guide to Create Green and Tasty Smoothies for Weight Loss, Fat Burning, Detoxing & Anti-Inflammation; Also Cleanse Your Body Now With Alkaline Dieting!

    Bobby Murray

  9. DASH Diet for Beginners : The Ultimate Healthy Eating Solution and Weight Loss Program for Chronic Inflammation, Diabetes Prevention, Hypertension, and Lower Blood Pressure By Learning The Power of the DASH Diet!

    Bobby Murray
