
Complex PTSD


This book is a practical guide to recovering from lingering childhood trauma.

Narrator: Paul Brion



90 ratings



This is the single most helpful resource I have found in my 25+ years of seeking help; from books, professionals, programmes and partners. It's not perfect ofc, there are some instances of oversimplified concepts, heavy 12 step influence, and a lack of Neurodivergent understanding. But besides all of that, this book has been incredibly helpful to me and I'm stubbornly pushing it on my sister and my friends. The author speaks from experience and expertise and that helps the authenticity and made me comfortable enough to try and hear him out, even on things I didn't agree with. The tone is caring and gentle and never does the book tell you that you have to or need to do any specific thing. There are reasonable trigger warnings and invitations to skip certain chapters, in case you are harmed by that particular subject at that particular time. Warning: Mentions but not in great detail: self harm, eating disorders, spiritualité/religion, sexual abuse, violence, suicide, diagnosis and wrongful diagnosis. and whatever else you might expect from a book about trauma.



Den mest fantastiske bog, til at forstå og frigøre sig fra barndoms traumer, selv så "simple" (der er intet simpel over dem) traumer som følelsesmæssig forsømmelse. Enhver forældre bør læse den og forstå sig selv.

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