


Amazon All-Star best-selling author Willow Rose draws you into a place that you will never want to leave! Death is only the beginning! Meghan’s training at the academy is coming to an end. Everything is going great as she comes closer to graduation. She is engaged to be married, and the wedding is near, until she hears some disturbing news that makes her rethink her future. In class, the students are learning to catch dreams and fly with the speed of light. Meghan soon discovers her special talents and that she is much stronger than she thought. But unfortunately, that doesn’t help her when she faces the truth about her own death, which will be revealed to her at the end of the year. Scroll up, and get your copy today!

Narrator: Rebecca Cade


2 ratings



awful series. clearly a person who romanticises bad relationships. the main character accepts abuse and blames herself throughout the whole series. she is raped but then stays with him, gives excuses for his controlling narcissistic behaviour and allows him to rape her because he deserves it. also, too many things stolen from the harry potter series, clearly the writer didn't have enough of her own ideas... first book includes a magic mirror hidden in the castle that takes her to her hearts desire, first flying lesson thst the main character just happens to be a natural at, 2nd book includes students at the school being attacked by an unknown person/thing and being frozen, a flying horse that you have to show trust to before being allowed to pet or fly it, 3rd book including time travel and finding out that their time travel was the cause of the situation to begin with... its just harry potter disguised with a female character and bad relationships