This pamphlet is an appeal to reason and common sense.
It is not written specially for scientific experts and hence technical terms have been as far as possible avoided. The student or scientist who desires a more detailed and technical treatment of these problems is referred to larger treatises, of which there are a considerable number.
Our purpose is to reach intelligent and thoughtful men and women. We propose to examine the theory of evolution in the light of scientific facts. We ask for an open mind, a careful consideration of the evidence on both sides, and an honest verdict.
Le Conte defines Evolution as โ(1) continuous progressive change; (2) according to certain laws; (3) by means of resident forces.โ The evolutionist assumes that hundreds of millions of years ago one or more tiny, one-celled, living organisms appeared on the earth. Bacteria and amoebae are regarded as examples of these earliest life-forms, which are supposed to have possessed such marvellous powers of development that after long ages they gave rise to all the varied forms of plant and animal life we find around us in the world today.
Atheistic evolutionists see in the wonders of Nature no evidence of a Divine Creator. They believe that the first living cells evolved from sand or mud or slime. They look upon the glories and beauties of Nature and ask us to believe that dead matter gave birth to them all.