
Forever Be Mine


Whatā€™s love got to do with it?

Celia Lynton had been told her entire life that she couldnā€™t marry for love, marriage should be a business agreement, poor men were only after the family fortune, blah, blah, blah. But now, there is no fortune. Thereā€™s only debt, and an urgency to find a way to pay her younger brotherā€™s tuition at a school that can tend to his special needs. So yeah, thereā€™s going to be a marriage. One of convenience. Just like her parents wanted. Sheā€™ll marry a future Scottish earlā€”a very rich future earlā€”and her brother will get to attend school. Thereā€™s just one problem: Celia is in love with another man.

You canā€™t always get what you want.

Carter Martin has loved Celia since they were kids. Never mind heā€™s too quiet, too studious for someone who lights up a room when she smiles, add to that his father works for her family. Being the son of the ā€œhelp,ā€ he could never be good enough for her. So heā€™s worked hard his entire life to show his boss, the Earl of Pembroke, that he can take over his fatherā€™s position as Steward of the estate some day and take care of the family who has taken care of his for generations. Little does he know, Celia has a plan of her ownā€¦an intimate trip to Italy where they wonā€™t be able to keep their hands off each other. How can he resist the only woman heā€™s ever loved?