Separated from her friends in a haunted mansion, Utena is ready to transform...until a mysterious girl named Imita Shion appears before her. Can our favorite villain escape without the use of her magical powers? Or will she face a terrifying defeat? The answer awaits in the cheek-clenching ninth volume!
Gushing over Magical Girls Volume 3
Akihiro Ononaka
bookGushing over Magical Girls Volume 4
Akihiro Ononaka
bookGushing over Magical Girls Volume 5
Akihiro Ononaka
bookGushing over Magical Girls: Volume 8
Ononaka Akihiro
bookGushing over Magical Girls: Volume 9
Ononaka Akihiro
bookGushing over Magical Girls: Volume 10
Ononaka Akihiro