
Host for the Holidays


Madi is counting on Parisā€™s reputation as the City of Love. Now she just needs to figure out if itā€™s old love or new love... Madi After two years and zero proposals, my relationship could use a little spark. Paris during the holidays seems like just the ticketā€”one perfect, final opportunity for my boyfriend to take things to the next level. The fact that heā€™s rented me the tiny servant quarters in the apartment of a very good-looking Frenchman is . . . puzzling. And when he asks that Frenchman to take me around the city while heā€™s busy at work trainings? Color me confused. Is this some sort of pre-engagement test? If so, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m doing too hot. RĆ©my Offering to host my friendā€™s vacation rental means making sure the first review is five solid, sparkling stars. When the guest who shows up is a beautiful American woman, Iā€™m thinking my task might be more enjoyable than I thought. Until I find out she has a boyfriend. Madi deserves to have an amazing time in Paris, though, so Iā€™m more than happy to oblige when the guy asks me to show her the city. Itā€™s cool. Iā€™m cool. This is all for that five-star reviewā€¦

Narrator: Caroline Lauf