Despite persistent rumours of his death fifteen years ago, Johnny Angelo's legend continues.
Johnny Angelo is a rock singer, and this is his story from the beginning. As a child he is a
dreamer and a solitary, a thief, a killer of birds and cats. As a man he is a god to his fans, an emperor to his cronies, a hoodlum to his enemies. Girls lie at his feet. He becomes rich. He commits murder. At the end, police shoot him down in the street.
In a cool and highly original style Nik Cohn has written a bizarre fable for our time, capturing its sickness and horror yet staying true to its grandeur and allure. I Am Still The Greatest Says Johnny Angelo is Nik Cohn's hymn to rock as myth, in all its crazed, absurd and glorious excess.
Partly based on the legendary rocker, P J Proby, Johnny Angelo is the pop star to end all pop stars - narcissistic, mock-heroic and massively destructive. The novel follows his progress from warped infancy to final messianic explosion. A top read, which David Bowie once claimed inspired Ziggy Stardust.