
Living on Half a Dime a Day


How to live on 5 cents a day ?

How to survive financial ruin without losing your house ?

How to keep to a bare bones budget and still have money left over to buy books ?

Tough questions! They were tough questions when Sarah Elizabeth Harper Monmouth penned her quirky memoir.

She lived on a run-down small farm in New Hampshire, when her investments imploded.

She awoke one morning to find herself poor--an old roof above her, “dearer than life,” but “not a dollar of money left.” For months she was “paralyzed with cold, clammy terror . . . stunned and knew not what to do.” Then her “mind stepped to the front with a bold standard displayed.” She said to herself

“Understand, once for all, that I rule and make your plans accordingly.”

Lizzie Monmouth’s tale will make you stop and count your blessings...

How Lizzie Monmouth surmounted her poverty is an equally fascinating tale.

Narrator: Isabella Dece