Vanessa Rooney is a thirty-something dental hygienist who finds herself a single mum with a hole in her heart where her husband had been. Somehow, she finds the courage to fulfil her dream of writing a romance novel but soon discovers that it has been plagiarised by celebrity author Charlotte Lancaster. Vanessa sues Charlotte with the help of solicitor Dave Rendall, who's nursing some unfulfilled dreams of his own. When gun QC Marcus Stafford joins their legal team, Vanessa feels like her perfect man has stepped into her life. As all hell breaks loose publicly and privately, Vanessa confronts a painful past and realises that she's an intelligent, funny, amazing woman and Marcus Stafford is, well, a tosspot. Vanessa finally understands that what she wanted wasn't what she needed, but has this realisation come too late?
âI loved it! It's got a kind of Bridget Jones feel and such a page turner.â REBECCA GIBNEY
âSuch a fun read.â SIGRID THORNTON