
Meet Marvin : Technically Not A Killer


Here begins the thrilling story of a young vigilante, though heā€™d never call himself such. Marvin simply has certainā€¦ needs. Needs which can only be satisfied by watching people suffer. Pedophiles annoy him, so he targets them. Donā€™t worry, thoughā€”Marvinā€™s not big on blood. He prefers the mental sort of suffering, which in many ways is all the more gruesome. Of course, sometimes things get out of hand, and blood cannot be prevented.

A therapist by day and a stalker and intruder by night, Marvin continues with his never-ending quest to induce and spectate emotional turmoil in strangers. Itā€™s a game heā€™s played for all of his adult life, a game he lovesā€”a game heā€™s good at. But as time goes on, Marvin begins to take on more victims than he can handleā€”dangerous victims, the likes of which heā€™s never encounteredā€”and before long, heā€™s in way over his head.

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Narrator: Noah Kershisnik