In the captivating finale of the Rosa Reed Mystery series, Rosa and Miguel find that a double wedding with Bill and Carlotta is the ideal way to address their social and family challenges. The celebration, however, takes a sinister twist when a corpse is discovered alongside the dessert! This last installment promises to deliver all the drama and excitement, culminating in Rosa achieving her long-awaited happily ever after. Don't miss out on this thrilling conclusion where love and mystery intertwine one last time.
Rosa Reed Mysteries Bundle: Books 5-6
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookDeath at King's Chapel
Lee Strauss
audiobookRosa Reed Mysteries Bundle: Books 3-4
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookDeath on Tremont Row
Lee Strauss
audiobookRosa Reed Mysteries Bundle: Books 1-2
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookMurder at the Weddings
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookMurder at the Fiesta
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookMurder in London
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookMurder at the Dude Ranch
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookMurder at the Races
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookMurder and Rock 'n' Roll
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookDeath by Dancing
Lee Strauss
Murder at High Tide
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookMurder on the Boardwalk
Lee Strauss, Denise Jaden
audiobookMurder at the Bomb Shelter
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookMurder on Location
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss, Denise Jaden
audiobookMurder and Rock 'n' Roll
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookMurder at the Races
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookMurder at the Dude Ranch
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookMurder in London
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookMurder at the Fiesta
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookMurder at the Weddings
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookRosa Reed Mysteries Bundle: Books 5-6
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
audiobookRosa Reed Mysteries Bundle: Books 3-4
Lee Strauss, Norm Strauss
Bound By Murder
Laura Gail Black
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Lee Hollis
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Laura Gail Black
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Laura Gail Black
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Joyce Tremel
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Barbara Hinske
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Gina LaManna
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Cleo Coyle
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Maryla Szymiczkowa