Myconanotechnology is the interface between mycology andnanotechnology. In other words, myconanotechnology represents the greensynthesis of nanoparticles using fungi. The field is recently gaining attentiondue to the simple, resource efficient, and ecofriendly nature of fungal biotechnology.Therefore, Myconanotechnology is at the core of cost-effective and sustainablesolutions for many industrial processes. This volume provides readers at all academic levels with a broadbackground on some of the fastest developing areas in myconanotechnology. It isorganised into two sections, A and B. Section A updates readers on severalcutting-edge aspects of the synthesis and characterization of nanoparticlesthrough the use of fungi. Section B describes applications of myconanotechnologyincluding: the management of bacterial and fungal diseases, pest control, amongother applications in medicine and agriculture. The breadth of topics covered inthe contents make this volume an informative resource on the field. Contributionsare written by experts in industrial biotechnology, and include extensivereferences to published studies. This book is a timely reference for researchers, teachers and students,and all readers who are interested in new developments in industrial mycologyand nanotechnology.
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