
Pardongate : How Bill Hillary Clinton and Their Brothers Profited from Pardons


A shocking exposĂŠ of the Bill Clinton pardons and commutations issued after Hillary Clinton made it known she was running for the US Senate.

Bill Clinton's abrupt departure from long-standing precedent was an astonishing abuse of the Justice Department processes and underscored the shady wheeling and dealing that was common in the Clinton orbit. Bill, Hillary, and brothers Roger Clinton, Hugh Rodham, and Tony Rodham all profited financially or politically from hustling dozens of pardons to some of history's most undeserving recipients. These ranged from worldwide pariah Marc Rich, to a cocaine trafficking kingpin, to murderous terrorists who hadn’t even requested executive clemency.

It was the selling of pardons for money and influence that launched the Clintons' nearly two-decade pay-for-play scheme—a scheme that not only amassed billions of dollars for the Clinton Foundation and hundreds of millions of dollars for the Clintons, but also catapulted Hillary into a presidential front-runner. Pardongate reveals details of the Clinton machine that will leave even the most informed citizens appalled.

Narrator: Christopher Grove
