Planet of the Damned follows Brion Brandd, a character who lives on the planet Anvhar, which, due to an elliptical orbit, experiences a year with a long cold winter and a short hot summer, to which the population have become adapted. To avoid social problems during the winter period, Anvhar has initiated a planet-wide series of mental and physical games called the Twenties. The novel starts with Brandd winning the Twenties. As he recovers from the games, Brandd meets Ihjel, a previous winner of the Twenties, who asks him to join a mission on the desert planet of Dis. The ruling class of Dis, the magter, have threatened to transport cobalt bombs onto a neighbouring planet if they refuse to surrender. As a result, the planet is being blockaded and under threat of a pre-emptive nuclear strike.
Harry Harrison
audiobookbookBlack Cat Weekly #122
Mark Troy, Elizabeth Elwood, Nikki Knight, Hal Charles, Harry Harrison, Thomas M. Disch, Robert F. Young, August Derleth, Edgar Wallace, Jack Sharkey
bookDeathworld (Book 1&2) : Deathworld Series
Harry Harrison
bookThe Stainless Steel Rat
Harry Harrison
bookBlack Cat Weekly #91
M. Christian, Jacqueline Freimor, Kathleen Marple Kalb, Darrell Schweitzer, Hal Charles, Dick Donovan, Harry Harrison, George O. Smith, Noel Loomis, Harvey J. O’Higgins
bookThe Stainless Steel Rat
Harry Harrison
bookDeathworld : Book 1&2
Harry Harrison
bookB. J. Harrison Reads Deathworld
Harry Harrison
audiobookThe Ethical Engineer : Deathworld 2
Harry Harrison
bookDeathworld : Book 1&2
Harry Harrison
bookDeathworld 2: The Ethical Engineer (Illustrated) : Deathworld Series
Harry Harrison
bookDeathworld (Book 1&2) : Deathworld Series
Harry Harrison